Letter to Santa

I’m a child of nine years old, and I am preparing my education every day, read, do homework but sometimes I forget some details for do my homework perfect, I understand that I am learning a lot things that could be easier for adults, but I just want to learn and figure out my new skills.

After that just I want to ask you something for this christmas, I don’t want toys this holiday, just I want to my mom don’t scream me and said strongs words that hurt me and make me feel that is wrong be a child. I want that she avoid say me «dick, dick’s face, mothefucker» and another words like that.

From of deep my heart i ask you a other mother that teachs me with patient and love for each time that I mistake with my homework

Just I want enjoy this christmas with calm and peace together with my father and my family.


The wise mother

I’d like to talk about a woman that since childhood fought for to be a good person, she is the sixth of nine brothers, she comes from a village called Changaimina, and she has always worked to get a better opportunity for her family.

She’s my mother, called like a Mary virgin, she is like a civil engineer, architect, and accountable agent because she has a good ideas about these areas, she saves a lot of money too and with that little saves of money get a sum a lot of money quantity and later invest in build houses, departments or improve the existent house.

My mother is like a medical doctor, but with infusions of plants and water, because she invents or knows recipes for each pain in the body.

She always has told me that I should think about the future and the future of my family, my two children, and give them a better opportunity for education and life. She’s a believer in the Catholic religion, she reads the holy bible and goes to church every Sunday.

I write this post as a tribute to my wise mother because about a lot of time passed, and I understand that her words are very wise, I hope to be like my mother to build a legacy from nothing with bit opportunities, save money, know about natural medicine and have wise to take decisions, I don’t know what happens when she will go to heaven, maybe I suffer a lot without her presence or her advice about the life, but while she is with me, I have to love and respect her, because she is my blessing that GOD has given me.

Love you mom.

Welcome 2023

The first day of January 2023, is a time to think about the last year y have new goals for 2023

Good things happened during the last year, like happiness, unclear facts, and a little fear, I bought my car and made a trip with my children and my sister’s family for vacations out of Ecuador

I got a new job, that push me to get out of my zone comfort, I have improved my English skills, and tech tools like GIT, Composer, and Drupal

I had some fears about these challenges for this work, but always I felt GOD’s help when I needed more, in the difficult times he was close to me to let me know the way to fix it.

I got new discipline habits, thanks to my psychology friend that helped me with therapy to win the battle against fear, these days before going out to work I always do my bed, I bought clothes, and toys for my children and for me too, I bought tech gadgets, I saved money for continue my house and get out to eat in restaurants with my children and enjoy a good special dishes.

What’s coming in 2023, I hope comes with new lessons and learning to improve my skill as a human, father, and professional, get new habits, care for my children a lot of time, and learn new technologies, I hope to increase my rate hour in my current job when my anniversary arrives.

I hope to make a plane trip this year, attended tech events, replace my computer, and maybe use eyeglasses every day.

A lot of things can happen, but I wish that comes with health overall of the things and blessings for my family, I hope to count on all my family members healthy and live to enjoy all events like birthdays and success facts,

I love my life, love my children, and my family, and I can be thankful to GOD because he helps me a lot.